Top-6 Extreme Sports From History



Everyone craves excitement. Some people find their thrills in little things like having a second glass of wine. Other people get their dopamine buzzing with adventurous activities. As far back as we can look, humans have been pursuing adrenaline rushes. Here are ten extreme sports from history that show our ancestors were willing to risk life and limb for a little pleasure.

Land diving

Pentecost is one of the islands which make up the country of Vanuatu in the South Pacific. Men of the island play out a custom, which, to outcasts, looks like frenzy. Land Divers ascension a 75 foot (25 meters) tall stage produced using generally cut logs. At the top they attach a plant to each foot. Then, at that point they jump off the tower.This custom is supposed to be around 1,500 years of age, however its starting point isn’t actually known. One of the legends is that a spouse, annoyed with her significant other’s steady sexual requests, escaped into the wilderness. He pursued her as she climbed a tree to get away. To save herself she attached plants to her feet and bounced off. Her better half fail to append plants thus passed on when he hit the ground. Presently men play out the custom remind them not to succumb to a similar stunt once more. Land Diving is additionally connected with the sweet potato crop. The individuals who plunge from the most noteworthy tallness will have the best harvest.Despite the clear risk of the action, wounds from Land Diving are shockingly uncommon. The plants have great versatility, and the dirt underneath the pinnacle is plowed to make it delicate if there should arise an occurrence of a hard landing.


In different towns all through Greece and Bulgaria, a ceremonial happens every year which might be millennia old. In its present structure, the Anastenaria is a Christian love of the Saints Constantine and Athanasius. Admirers hold the symbols of the holy people and afterward stroll across a heap of consuming wood.Legend has it that when a congregation in Bulgaria burst into flames, the close by residents heard the voices of the holy people inside calling for help. Ensured by the gifts of the holy people, the residents had the option to bring the symbols and relics of the holy people securely out of the blast. Presently they rehash a similar accomplishment and accept that it is heavenly beauty which brings them securely over the embers.Not everybody upholds the Anastenaria. The demonstration of firewalking has been connected to the old love of the god Dionysus, and some think that this custom is of agnostic beginning and thusly ought not be performed by dedicated Christians.


Knattleikr was a Viking game—and that ought to be a sufficient hint that things are going to get severe. Little is known for unmistakable about Knattleikr, however there are hints in the Viking adventures which have permitted a conditional reproduction of the game to be made.Two groups of brawny Vikings would meet conveying bats. The bat utilized may have been molded here and there to permit a ball to be gotten by it, and it was, the adventures say, now and again broken out of resentment. The ball the groups utilized was little and hard enough to draw blood or wreck a man whenever tossed hard enough. Where the game was played is challenged. Most records propose a frozen lake or level plain in winter, yet this doesn’t appear to have been a requirement.Matches could last days, similar to a current Cricket match. Less like a Cricket match, players could be handled and thumped about while the ball was moving.

Water Jousting

Jousting was cleverly hazardous. You took sharp sticks and charged at others riding a horse, fully intent on thumping them off with your sharp stick. Sooner or later, individuals chose this game was not hazardous enough and chosen to add the energy of expected drowning.In Southern France in the seventeenth century, groups of young fellows jousted on water. A group of single men in a blue boat assaulted wedded men in a red boat. It was a valiant battle. The two boats paddled at one another at max throttle, pushed by ten rowers, while the bosses, with a safeguard and defensive layer, remained on sheets endeavoring to thump their adversaries off.On the Ancient Nile, water battles were a challenge with true outcomes. Anglers on the Nile would joust for admittance to waters. Battle between boats of angler are authenticated in reliefs, and they didn’t have petite standards. While the vast majority of the team controlled the boat, the contenders would have at it with shafts, attempting to thump the other down. Once in the water, the warrior would be helpless before hippos and crocodiles.

Mob Football

In England from the fourteenth century onwards, Shrove Tuesday turned into a well known day for adolescents to accumulate and play with a ball. These games were the beginning of current soccer as well as football hooliganism. An expanded pig bladder was created determined to return it to your group’s town. It was basically a mob with an objective. Broken appendages were normal, and passings not unknown.It was normal for many men to contend in Mob Football when entire towns were contending. In huge urban communities, it very well may be a contest between gatherings of disciples which went through the thin paths and roads. In 1365, King Edward III prohibited football since it was causing an irritation and diverting capable men from rehearsing their toxophilism. Football prepared men in battling, simply not the right sort.In one Mob Football match in Pont-l’Abbé, France, 40 men are said to have suffocated in a lake when the ball wandered into the water.

Cretan Bull Leaping

In 1400 B.C. on Crete, at the Minoan castle a Knossos, a painting was painted appearance a jumping youth reverse flipping over a charging bull. Such pictures are not remarkable. Works of art and models of figures getting a handle on the horns of a bull have been found at various Minoan sites.Some specialists say that such pictures don’t show a genuine occasion yet rather a legendary one. Numerous Cretan pictures show men utilizing a bull’s horns to spring over the rear of the monster, which appears to be gigantically unsafe. Others highlight current bullfighting occasions where youngsters routinely jump over bulls. It appears to be probable that bull-jumping was a custom which really occurred on Crete.It ought to be recollected that Ancient Crete was home to the amazing Minotaur—a half-bull, half-human beast requiring human penances. Is it conceivable that the bull-jumping custom, which no question took numerous youthful lives, lived on through the legend of the Minotaur?