Indian Railway and List Of Some Different Job Positions In Indian Railway


Indian Railways (revealing imprint IR) is a state-claimed national transportation framework, and it is in charge of rail transport in India. It is claimed and worked by the Government of India through the Ministry of Railways. It is the fourth biggest railroad organize on the planet containing 119,630 kilometers (74,330 mi) of aggregate track and 92,081 km (57,216 mi) of running track over a course of 66,687 km (41,437 mi) with 7,216 stations toward the finish of 2015-16. In 2015-16, IR conveyed 8.107 billion travelers every year or more than 22 million travelers per day and 1.101 billion tons of cargo every year. As of the finish of 2015-16, of the aggregate 68,525 km (42,579 mi) course length, 28,327 km (17,602 mi) or 45% were charged and 28,371 km (17,629 mi) or 37% were twofold or numerous line courses. The railroad arrange is transcendentally an expansive gage organize. Little extends of the system utilize meter and restricted gages. All the charged lines utilize 25 kV AC electric footing.

IR works both long separation and rural rail frameworks. IR kept running by and large 13,313 traveler prepares day by day in 2015-16. The trains have a five-digit numbering framework. Mail or express prepares, the most widely recognized sorts, keep running at a normal speed of 50.9 km/hr. As of the finish of 2015-16, IR’s moving stock involved more than 254,006 cargo wagons, 70,241 traveler mentors and 11,122 trains (39 controlled by steam, 5,869 by diesel fuel and 5,214 by power). It likewise possesses train and mentor creation offices at a few places in India.

IR is the world’s eighth greatest boss and had 1.33143 million representatives toward the finish of 2015-16. In 2015– 2016, IR had incomes of ₹1.683 trillion (US$26 billion), comprising of ₹1.069 trillion (US$17 billion) cargo profit and ₹442.83 billion (US$6.9 billion) travelers income. It had a working proportion of 90.5% out of 2015-16.

Here the List Of Some Different Job Positions In Indian Railway:-

  1. Assistant Station Master
  2. Boilerman
  3. Brakeman
  4. Bridge inspector
  5. Chief fireman
  6. Chief Mechanical Engineer
  7. Conductor (transportation)
  8. Dispatcher
  9. Freight Conductor
  10. Gandy dancer
  11. Guard
  12. Length runner
  13. Locomotive engineer
  14. Locomotive Superintendent (Chief Mechanical Engineer)
  15. Navvy (navigator)
  16. Operations[edit]
  17. Platelayer
  18. Porter
  19. Railroad engineer (engine driver)
  20. Railway lubricator
  21. Revenue Protection Inspector
  22. Road foreman of engines
  23. Secondman
  24. Section gang
  25. Signal maintainer
  26. Signalman (rail)
  27. Station agent
  28. Station master
  29. Ticket controller (transportation)
  30. Ticket inspector
  31. Track inspector
  32. Train dispatcher
  33. Traquero