Top-6 Strange Robots That Could Potentially Save Lives



Hollywood films frequently depict robots as malevolent and startling. Science fiction films like Terminator and The Matrix were so fruitful and powerful that they generated robophobia—the nonsensical dread of robots and man-made consciousness—among numerous people.But robots are entirely innocuous, in actuality. With various advances in innovation, clever robots will before long make our lives more agreeable, our positions simpler, and our reality a superior spot where to take up residence.


If a glaring light and a Star Wars droid anytime got hitched and had a youngster, it would look like Tru-D. A robot that disposes of diseases and infinitesimal creatures, Tru-D is used more than 300 crisis centers around the world.This curious looking robot was made by Jeff Deal and his kin. They attempted a model in their garage by using a couple of plates stacked up with microorganisms. After the model delivered brilliant light a few minutes, the plates were completely freed from bacteria.In 2014, Tru-D was had a go at during the height of the Ebola crisis in Africa. The results were stunning. The robot had the choice to kill the contamination absolutely—anyway on workplaces and equipment.Tru-D can’t be used on individuals. The splendid light emanated by the robot is strong so much that it can hurt human DNA. Coincidentally, Tru-D is at this point significant and can save hundreds, if not thousands, of lives each year. Duke University guided an examination to test the ampleness of Tru-D. The experts found that “the events of new patients getting the disease declined by in abundance of 30%” when the robot was used.Aside from killing germs with its stunning splendid light, Tru-D can moreover talk, shut down thus when a doorway is opened, and enlighten its executive that it has done the job.


Robotized experts from Switzerland have cultivated a robot that can mimic the advancements of a reptile. Named Pleurobot, this mechanical reptile can walk, bypass corners, and even swim. In any case, it needs to get into a swimming outfit before it can go in the water.Pleurobot’s producers are believing that neuroscientists will use their robot. That way, they can secure all around data on how the tactile framework (especially the spinal rope) really works and encourage new drugs to help patients with spinal injuries walk again.Why would analysts plan a robot after a reptile? Obviously, reptiles are tremendous creatures from a formative perspective. They’re impressively more obsolete than dinosaurs.Aside from its territory or potentially water fit attributes, the reptile has a body shape that eagerly takes after “the fossils of the chief natural vertebrates.” This makes the reptile a critical animal for sensible research.Pleurobot can moreover be used to save lives. With its outstanding arrangement, this computerized reptile can investigate through hazardous places and help with search and rescue after calamitous occasions like seismic quakes.

Flying Robots

Flying robots (otherwise known as robots) have principally been utilized for two things—military activities and fun. For quite a long time, the US military has utilized flying robots to assault and screen foes. Then again, customary individuals can without much of a stretch purchase drones on the Internet for under $60 and do anything they desire with these robots.But a gathering of scientists at the University of Twente in the Netherlands is attempting to raise the reason for flying robots. They are searching for approaches to utilize these robots to save individuals’ lives, particularly during fiascoes like avalanches.Flying robots can float over risky spots that human specialists can’t get to. Moreover, these robots can all the more effectively find casualties since they can “see” more.Scientists expect that flying robots will turn into an imperative piece of search and salvage sooner rather than later—particularly in regions like the Swiss Alps where torrential slides are normal.


Spaceships. Space travelers. Planets. Space Exploration. These are a portion of the words that ring a bell when we hear “NASA.” We once in a while partner this organization with mechanical technology. In any case, NASA has been an innovator in advanced mechanics improvement and development for a few years.In 2013, NASA joined the DARPA Robotics Challenge and won fifth spot. Their entrance was a four-footed robot that resembled a goliath bug. Named RoboSimian, this robot was created by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory to help salvage laborers in normal and man-made disasters.Unlike different robots, RoboSimian centers around consultation over response and soundness over elements. This permits it to work all the more rapidly and effectively during crisis situations.RoboSimian—affectionately called “Clyde” by its makers—can climb a bunch of steps, explore through garbage and testing territory, open an entryway, cut an opening in drywall utilizing a cordless force drill, and even drive a car.In 2015, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory entered RoboSimian into the DARPA Robotics Competition once more. As in 2013, they came in fifth spot.

Fish Robots

The reason for fish robots isn’t to help people however to save ocean animals. Specialists from Georgia State University and New York University are creating automated fish that would fill in as “pioneers” and guide genuine schools of fish away from man-made fiascos, (for example, an oil slick) or perilous gear, (for example, the submerged turbines of a force plant).Fish robots are not new. Indeed, the primary model was created 20 years prior by a group of analysts from MIT. Various advances have been made in this field of mechanical technology, yet researchers actually have one major problem. They have not thought of the numerical recipe that would empower the fish robots to “swim together like a genuine school of fish.”Fish are brilliant. They will possibly follow robots on the off chance that they act and look like genuine fish in a school. Researchers have created techniques to make automated fish act and seem like genuine ones. Yet, they haven’t sorted out some way to make the robots “swim as an organized unit . . . [to] acquire the trust of real schools of fish.”


Automated specialists from the University of Pisa and the Italian Institute of Technology have made a humanoid robot that can cooperate with its environmental factors and utilize human instruments. Named Walk-Man, this robot was made to help during crisis circumstances by working in regions that are excessively risky for human salvage workers.Walk-Man is multiple meters (6 ft) tall and weighs around 120 kilograms (260 lb). It utilizes a 3-D laser scanner and a stereovision framework to assist it with exploring its surroundings.Unlike numerous humanoid robots, this monstrous machine is fit for utilizing the two its lower and chest area to give adjust and produce movement, permitting it to perform activities in a more “human” way.Scientists are attempting to furnish Walk-Man with further developed intellectual capacities so it can work autonomously. Albeit independent activity is a definitive objective, the automated architects have recognized that a human administrator should control Walk-Man to finish more perplexing jobs