Top-6 Times GPS Failed With Terrible Consequences



Since the presentation of GPS satellite route frameworks, drivers have gotten progressively dependent on the gadgets to get from A to B. The times of executing a fastidiously arranged excursion from map perusing and navigational abilities alone have become a thing of the past.Okay, perhaps we weren’t all extraordinary guides like Christopher Columbus. The truth of most guide directed excursions was a shouting match with the other half over which side road to take and where the following chance to make a U-turn was.No one can contend that GPS has made our lives simpler. Truth be told, it’s most likely saved a couple of relationships. Yet, are there any risks in winding down our minds and turning on the GPS? What happens when GPS bombs us? Not really by being off-base, however by being too right.GPS does a great job of registering the most immediate course from guide A toward point B that it can once in a while bring us down some sketchy streets and lead us in some unusual ways, in some cases with horrible results.

Boy Dies After GPS Leaves Him And His Mother Stranded

In summer 2009, 28-year-old medical caretaker Alicia Sanchez and her six-year-old child were passing through the sweltering, dry scene of Death Valley National Park in eastern California when the GPS guided her down a distant street. After seven days, a recreation center officer discovered her Jeep Cherokee 32 kilometers (20 mi) away, covered up to its axles in sand. “SOS” was explained in clinical tape on the window.An depleted and seriously dried out Sanchez fell into the recreation center officer’s arms while the dormant body of her six-year-old child lay drooped in the front seat. They had made due for a few days on filtered water, Pop-Tarts, and cheddar sandwiches, however unfortunately, the kid didn’t make it. He had passed on two days before his mom was rescued.

Woman Is Shot Dead After Following GPS Through Brazilian Favela

In October 2015, Regina Murmura, 70, and her kid spouse, Francisco, set out for a loosening up day at the sea shore. Utilizing a GPS versatile application for headings, they set out toward a Niteroi sea shore in Rio de Janeiro. Obscure to them, the GPS application had driven them into the famously hazardous, pack controlled Caramujo favela.Their vehicle went under serious fire from nearby medication dealers. Mrs. Murmura was shot dead, while her better half by one way or another survived the ordeal. He hysterically drove his better half to the closest clinic, yet it was too late.

Woman Dies After Her Husband Drives Off A Bridge

In March 2015, Iftikhar Hussain, 64, and his 51-year-old spouse, Zohra, set off from their home in Chicago to see family in Indiana. Following the GPS in their Nissan Sentra, they moved toward an extension that had been shut for fixes since 2009.Despite various blockades, orange cones, and “Street Closed” signs, Iftikhar progressed forward, apparently focusing closer on the GPS guidelines than the notice signs around him. The vehicle plunged off the scaffold, dropping in excess of 11 meters (37 ft) and blasting into flares soon after impact.Miraculously, Iftikhar endure the fall and had the option to get away from the vehicle. His significant other was not really fortunate. Caught in the destruction, Zohra couldn’t escape the vehicle and passed on in the blaze.

Man Takes A Fishing Trip And Never Returns

In summer 2015, 69-year-old Silas Wrigley disappeared subsequent to setting off on a fishing excursion to Oregon. Following seven days long pursuit, his truck and body were found off a distant country road. It is felt that he was driven adrift by his truck’s GPS.Investigators investigating Mr. Wrigley’s passing accept he might have missed the side road to Lake Owyhee and needed to recalculate his GPS course, which drove him to the distant street where his truck and body were found.

Three Women Follow GPS Into A Lake

In June 2011, three young ladies got away from a sinking Mercedes-Benz rental SUV after the GPS guided them down a boat dispatch and into the Mercer Slough in Bellevue, Washington. The driver thought she was as yet out and about as she followed the vehicle’s GPS soon after 12 PM. Be that as it may, she was really heading down the boat dispatch and slammed the SUV into the lake.All three ladies had the option to make it out safe. Be that as it may, the vehicle was totally lowered and must be pulled from the water by a tow truck.

GPS Shortcut Leads To Death On A Mountain

In March 2011, Albert and Rita Chretien left British Columbia in their Chevrolet Astro van and set out toward a show in Las Vegas. En route, they chose to think about their arranged course against the vehicle’s GPS and take what they thought was a shortcut.Unaware that GPS bearings discard occasional conditions, they before long wound up on a tricky, distant street in the desert mountains. In the wake of going for 9 kilometers (6 mi), the street became blocked. Their vehicle surrendered to the sloppy conditions, and they were forgotten about stranded.Attempts to burrow themselves and get back onto the street were purposeless. Now, they chose to set out by walking. However, obscure to them, they were going in some unacceptable direction.[6]When Mrs. Chretien’s swollen knee gave out, they had no other alternative except for to turn around. It was then that Mr. Chretien chose to go it single-handedly. He bid farewell to his better half and took off with the GPS. It would be the last time Rita saw her better half alive.For almost two months, Mrs. Chretien endure alone in the vehicle. She read her Bible, proportioned her food, and ate snow. Following 49 days of isolation, she had at last acknowledged that her destiny was to kick the bucket alone in the wild. Amusingly, it was on that day that she was at last rescued.In October 2012, longer than 18 months after he disappeared, Mr. Chretien’s body was found. He had move around 730 meters (2,400 ft) in snow and was around 11 kilometers (7 mi) west from where he set off.He had lost the capacity to utilize the GPS because of the snow floats and couldn’t tell where the street was. He had done a great deal of pointless ascending and was setting out toward the culmination of a mountain when he kicked the bucket.